Germany’s leading video magazine “videoaktiv” recently tested the video quality of high-end smartphones. But this ranking was about to fail when the editing staff started working on sample footage to export and to present to their online community at www.videoaktiv.de. Editing those smartphone clips with the Adobe Premiere Pro editing system proofed to be impossible. The Adobe Premiere Pro PC crashed several times. “Trouble already started while importing” the article says, “numerous times the program crashed no matter what smartphone clip we started with.”
videoaktiv’s editing staff therefore switched their reference editing system from Premiere Pro to Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 9 – and EDIUS “imported nearly all formats flawlessly”. Chief editor Joachim Sauer concludes: ”This is very likely to become our new solution for all video material. This is due to the fact, that Premiere’s crashes have become worse during the last 1 ½ years when mixing different formats. But to us mixing different codecs and resolutions is rather the standard workflow than the exception – just as it might probably be in your case?”
We very much appreciate that this article of Germany’s leading video magazine “videoaktiv” once more underlines that EDIUS does make a lot of a difference with its claim and true performance when it comes to “Edit Anything!”.